Sunday, 10 May 2009

January 12th, 13th, 14th, 25th and 16th 2009

I continued my work on my front cover on Monday, and then began the layout of my contents page, again planning my layout to follow the drafts i made for my contents page. The contents page was to be produced on Quark Xpress, just as the double-page spread is to be as well. I still have not got my images for the band, but I am attending a Flightplan gig on the 16th in the evening, where I will finally get my images of the band. I have taken other images, and have used some of these in my contents.:

CD entwined in a guitar with a purple background:

Lead singer to the band 'Kurrupt in the head':

Guitarist and backup singer, Bassist and Drummer from 'Kurrupt in the head':

Members of Kurrupt in the head again, different image:

I have used creative techniques to manipulate these images to bode better with my production:

I solarized the abstract image to give it more of an 'abstract' look:

I then cropped the abstract image to make the design more mysterious and again, absract:

With the other images, i cropped one band member out of each and made them a bit smaller to fit into the space available:

First i cropped the lead singer:

I then cropped the guitarist/back-up singer out of the next image:

And lastly i cropped the bassist out of the last image:

I set each of these cropped photos side-by-side in the same size, to create a sort of collage of the band playing live, as displayed in my production.

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