Sunday, 10 May 2009

November 5th 2008

Today we wrote down notes on the codes and conventions of a double page spread for a feature article:

  1. One page: Big text image of artist/band [usually left page]
  2. One page: Text/Article
  3. Image may bleed onto text page
  4. Column layout – 2, 3 or 4
  5. State who wrote the interview
  6. Image can take up whole page or whole of DPS with writing over images
  7. Creative use of framing
  8. Lighting is carefully considered
  9. Mise-en-scene is carefully considered
  10. Image conveys an image for the artist
  11. Direct address for image
  12. Headlines – Largest text
    - Creative – don’t tell the story, e.g. use puns to intrigue the reader
    - Font used is only used for the headline and sometimes on the standfirst
  13. Standfirst – Introduction to the article
    - Directly below the headline
    - Usually includes the byline
    - Tells reader what the article is about
  14. Byline tells us who wrote the article
    can be separate
  15. Drop capital – signal where to start reading
  16. Other techniques can be used e.g. capitals for first line, first two words, colour, first paragraph slightly larger type size, bold type.
  17. Quotes – Extracted from article
    - Provocative, sensational, interesting quotes used.
    - Can be used on pictures, in standfirst or inset into the layout
    [to break up the text and make it look more inviting to read]
  18. Simple colour scheme
  19. Plug at the end of the article [music magazines]
  20. Page numbers and name of magazine at bottom of the page
  21. Strap lines at the top of the page
  22. 11/12 pt type size
  23. Bold usually used in Q&A articles to separate the Q from the A – lazy journalism
  24. Creatively written – personality and opinions of the journalist come through the article, often subjective
  25. Reported speech used as well as quotes

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