Wednesday, 25 March 2009

October 24th 2008

We were shown a selection of symbols/words, and asked to write down what they reminded us of. The following are the symbols/words and my explanations:

Christmas – A time of togetherness and happiness, exchanging gratitude to all close relatives and friends.

Hotel – Accommodation

- Nazi Germany

X – Noughts and crosses
__- Kisses

- Dying bud of a flower
- (is actually a symbol for delete)

The lesson then moved on, with the teacher introducing us to Ferdinand De Saussare, and also some media techniques.
I took down notes:

Ferdinand De Saussare – Swiss linguist
___________________ - Semiotic (sign) Theory
___________________ -_X___________X
____________________Sign _ = ____Signifier_____= __ Signified
________________________________Physical appearance______Metal Concept

Signifies] _______Interchangeable
Connotes]______ _- (both the same meaning)

A Media product can only have one meaning
More than one meaning = Failure

I THINKnever use.

October 23rd 2008

Our class was asked write down the colours Red, Blue, Green, White and Black each as headings, and to write down underneath all the things that remind us of that colour. We all then shared what we put down and combined our lists. These were our lists:

Red riding hood




Metal music

All these words are connotations of colour, and all the connotations in each list seem to contradict each other. For example: Red connoting ‘Love’ and ‘Violence’, or Blue connoting ‘Calm’ and ‘Depression’.

October 22nd 2008

Our teacher told us that we’re to now finish our front cover, contents and evaluation for our school magazine in our own time.

He then put a picture up on the whiteboard via the projector, and asked us to look at it. The image was of an old woman staring at a bowl of porridge. Our teacher then asked us all to come up with a caption for the image, as if it was being used to demonstrate the poor care of elderly people. The caption I came up with was:

“86 year older Joan Francis, suffering from Alzheimer’s, left to
tackle her breakfast alone.”

There was a variety of different ideas from other people in the class, and it was interesting how the photo could be described in so many ways. Our teacher then asked us to come up with a slogan, for the same picture, for a company advertising porridge. This acquired us to think on a more amusing level. The slogan I came up with for the advertisement was:

“Porridge – The wheat of wonder.”

I thought this slogan would fit with the image as the old woman was stating at the porridge, not with a spoon in hand or anything, just sat looking at it. It also has alliteration which makes the words flow well.

The teacher then put a different photo up. This one was of a small child surrounded by other children staring at her, with a female (what I’m supposing was a) teacher reaching out to her, as if to comfort her. This time he told us to make some sort of quote/headline for it, as if the picture was being used as a poster for an equality rights organisation, between ethnicities. My ideas for this exercise were:

“Would you want all eyes on you?”
and “It’s rude to stare.”

I originated my ideas from the fact over the surrounding people all staring at the little girl, to me it seemed to fit. It also backs up the idea of isolation, which the crowd seems to be doing to the child, linking with the picture clearly.
Using the same picture again, we were asked to come up with a slogan for it as if it was being used for advertising ‘Coca-cola’. This is using the picture in a completely different way, allowing us to change the whole perspective of it. My slogan for this picture was:

“You can run but you can’t hide.”

This was to give the idea that the people surrounding the little girl had been chasing after her, to get the coca-cola she was trying to keep from them. The woman holding out her hand to the child looks like she’s just caught her, and is trying to persuade the little girl to hand it over.

This was the last slogan/caption/quote we were asked to create. Our teacher then informed us that whatever words we use to describe/link to a picture, they anchor the image. We can make just one photo seem like so many different situations, just by the words we select to describe it.

- Pinning down the meaning of an image, usually with text.
E.g. the slogan ANCHORS the meaning of the advert.

October 21st 2008

I began my contents page for my school magazine. I began typing out all the information and articles that would be in my magazine and the pages they could be found on. I typed it out in Microsoft word, so I could then copy and paste it into my contents page.

October 20th 2008

I was supposed to be starting my evaluation, but I spent the lesson trying to finish off my front cover. The deadline for the front cover and contents page for the preliminary task was October 17th. I failed to meet the deadline assigned by my teacher.

I applied the cover lines to my front cover. I also applied the issue date, the price, and the e-mail and website - I made sure to try and follow the codes and conventions of a front cover by positioning them all near each other, around the barcode.

October 17th 2008

Deadline for the magazine front cover and contents page.

I finished off cropping and erasing the background out of my main image of my student. I then imported my actual background image (Purple bedspread) onto my front cover page, and then applied my main image over it.

October 16th 2008

I began to crop my main image, and cut out the background parts I did not need. I did this on Photoshop. I had used my sister, a student herself, to be my main image for my front cover:

October 15th 2008

We all began to create our front covers on Photoshop. We were all supposed to have our mid-shots of our main images of a student by now, but I hadn’t got mine, so I spent the lesson trying to set a template of my front cover.

October 14th 2008

The teacher showed the class how to use Quark Xpress, for when it came to us making our contents page. All the students which had gotten to sit at the computers with Quark on followed his demonstration by doing it themselves. I wasn’t sat at a computer, I had a laptop, but the laptops do not have Quark on them, so I sat and watched with the few other students that also had laptops.

October 13th 2008

The majority of the class that booked cameras collected them at the start of the lesson, and then we went off to take our photos. I took photos of the street, other students just sat in the common room, or on a computer, close-up images of art work, and of random objects around school: e.g. A Halloween display.

After taking all the pictures I thought I’d need, I returned back to the classroom and uploaded them all into a folder on my pictures on the computer. I named this folder ‘Media preliminary pics’.

October 10th 2008

We each planned out our own school magazine front cover and contents, what sort of images I was going to use; the headlines and cover lines I was going to use to link articles to them. I spent the whole lesson drawing out plans and trying to come up with catchy headlines.

My main image of a mid-shot of a student, is going to be of a student who looks like they just woke up, clutching a pillow in one hand, and the other sort-of shuffling her messy hair, to give more of the tired ‘just woke up’ affect. The background image is going to be of a bedspread, to yet again to relate to the fact she had just risen from bed. The headline to link to the image is ‘Early bird blues’, and its cover line “Find waking up early in the mornings difficult? Wake up with our top tips!” – this basically explains what the whole image is about. Other smaller headlines were going to be about new school courses/charity organisations and such, such as ‘Pink day!’.

At the end of the lesson, some of us booked cameras for our next media lesson on Monday, so we could take images about the school to use in our magazines. I booked a camera with an USB lead.

October 9th 2008

We went through our first task for media (The Preliminary task) and what we have to do for it.

The preliminary task is to create a front page and a single contents page for a school magazine. The main image for the front page needs to be a medium close-up shot of a student. I must be careful to follow the codes and conventions of each in my work.

October 8th 2008

The first half of the lesson was spent looking through each groups pictures that we had taken for the ‘You’ve been framed!’ task. We discussed the criticisms and the beneficial features about all our images.

Our teacher then gave us a handout of media booklets containing all the coursework we are due to do this year, and asked us to take them home and read through it for next lesson.

October 7th 2008

Our teacher went around the classroom checking we had got our photos right. The teacher told my group to re-take both our pictures of connotations of stress and friendship because they were not ‘powerful’ enough (they did not support their meaning as much as they could have done). Our group then spent the lesson trying to come up with ideas for new photos, which would be more fitting, and then took them.

Our new photo for the connotations of friendship image was of Jess and Charli linking arms with the words ‘best’ and ‘friends’ on each of their hands. Our new photo for the stress photo was of a hand scrunching a load of red paper. We chose red paper specifically as the colour red connotes stress (along with other emotions, but stress was the emotion we were trying to capture in this image). We then loaded these photos onto the computer and joined them up with the other photos we had taken the previous day.

October 6th 2008

We took photos in our groups using all the different camera angles for our ‘You’ve been framed!’ task. The images we had to take were:
  • A low angle medium close-up
  • A high angle long shot
  • An extreme close-up of the time
  • A big close-up of someone using a mobile phone
  • A close-up of someone in ‘nature’
  • A two shot in medium long shot
  • An over the shoulder shot of someone writing
  • A very long shot conveying isolation
  • A medium close-up of a teacher
  • A long shot of someone who is drunk

We also had to do two other photographs: One which had connotations of friendship, and another which had connotations of stress. For the connotations of friendship image we took a picture of Jess and Charli holding hands. For our connotations of stress photo we took a picture of a pile of work, to show the stress created from mounting work.

Our group then uploaded our pictures onto the computer and put them into a folder and saved them to the ‘user shared area’.

October 3rd 2008

We looked at different camera angles:
  • Extreme close-up
  • Big close-up
  • Close-up
  • Medium close-up
  • Mid-shot
  • Medium long shot
  • Long shot
  • Very long shot
  • Two shot
  • Mid shot
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • Tilted frame (Dutch angel)
  • High Angel
  • Low Angle

We also looked at how multiple camera angles can be used at once in one photo, for example: A low angle, mid-shot of two people (two shot).
After looking at shot types and framing, we were all then split off into random groups to do the task ‘You’ve Been Framed’. I was put into a group with Jess and Charli. In our groups we began to plan how we were going to take our shots and where.