Wednesday, 25 March 2009

October 7th 2008

Our teacher went around the classroom checking we had got our photos right. The teacher told my group to re-take both our pictures of connotations of stress and friendship because they were not ‘powerful’ enough (they did not support their meaning as much as they could have done). Our group then spent the lesson trying to come up with ideas for new photos, which would be more fitting, and then took them.

Our new photo for the connotations of friendship image was of Jess and Charli linking arms with the words ‘best’ and ‘friends’ on each of their hands. Our new photo for the stress photo was of a hand scrunching a load of red paper. We chose red paper specifically as the colour red connotes stress (along with other emotions, but stress was the emotion we were trying to capture in this image). We then loaded these photos onto the computer and joined them up with the other photos we had taken the previous day.

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